The Raoul Wallenberg legacy awards
Celebrating positive
role models
Raoul Wallenberg is an ideal example of an unsung hero everyone can relate to—a person who personifies courage and the desire to do the right thing regardless of the consequences.
The RWL Awards are bestowed on an individual/corporation who personifies the traits, character and/or courage personified by Raoul Wallenberg.

Nomination Criteria
The Raoul Wallenberg Nomination Committee embraces a broad range of criteria during the nomination process. Some of the main criteria that are considered include, but are not limited to the following:
I Doing what is morally right regardless of the potential fall-out and/or personal consequences
In a world filled with curated Instagram posts that emphasizes superficial externalities, The RW Legacy Nomination Committee seeks to nominate people/a company that place substance over form and are prepared to forfeit personal popularity in the name of doing what is ethical and moral. One of the common denominators of the candidates considered is the emphasis not on fame and self-aggrandizement but on using their platform and/profile to improve the lives of others less fortunate.
II Expressing individuality in the face of massive social peer pressures
Fear of missing out and/or taking steps to be liked or accepted regardless of the moral or ethical compromise involved has become all too common. The RW Legacy Nomination Committee identifies people/a corporation that is prepared to ‘take the road less travelled’ and has the courage ‘to swim against the stream’ to be true to their principles or mission statement.
III Commitment to giving back
One of the central criteria to be nominated to be the recipient of a RW Legacy Award is evidencing a commitment to give back to one’s community, the wider society and/or those less fortunate. One of Raoul Wallenberg’s cardinal traits was his ability to empathize with the plight of others – most of whom he did not even know – and undergo inconvenience endangering his own life, all in the name of a higher calling.
IV Rising above differences in race, religion, and culture
Raoul Wallenberg was a righteous gentile whose selfless acts of courage and benevolence resulted in saving tens of thousands of Jewish lives. Similarly, an important quality that the Nominating Committee of the Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Award seeks is a person/company committed to increasing the quality of people regardless of their social standing, race, or culture. The principles that Raoul Wallenberg personified are universal and not endemic to a specific culture or social group
The rw legacy lifetime achievement award
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award
is bestowed upon an individual/couple whose life work and achievements are in consonance with the legacy of Raoul Wallenberg. The recipient of this award should evidence a lifetime of commitment to the highest levels of character and integrity, who has commands respect from the larger community and who has assumed a leadership role in their given discipline or field of expertise.
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy
Corporate Award
is bestowed upon a corporation which has made proactive steps to be an example to any companies of the salient qualities personified by Raoul Wallenberg – including the likes of community initiatives; a company foundation and/commitment to philanthropy and creating a corporate culture that extends beyond mere financial profits. This corporate award ideally should be given to a representative of the company at the highest level of leadership – i.e. – the CEO/Chairman of the Board.
The rw legacy Corporate award
The rw legacy award
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Award
is the flagship award of The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Organization bestowed upon an outstanding individual who has achieved global recognition for courage, leadership, and grit. The recipient of this award ideally should have assumed hero-like qualities, and someone who is respected on a global level.
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy
Leadership Award
is bestowed on a future leader in his chosen discipline or field who has established a significant sphere of influence and has established him/herself as the most prominent personality in his chosen industry whose influence on his and future generations is beyond reproach.
The rw legacy Leadership award
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Social Courage Award
is bestowed on an exceptional person who has leveraged his/her platform or profile to relay a positive message aimed at improving the perspective or quality of life of millions of people.
The rw legacy lifetime achievement award
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award
is bestowed upon a corporation which has made proactive steps to be an example to any companies of the salient qualities personified by Raoul Wallenberg – including the likes of community initiatives; a company foundation and/commitment to philanthropy and creating a corporate culture that extends beyond mere financial profits. This corporate award ideally should be given to a representative of the company at the highest level of leadership – i.e. – the CEO/Chairman of the Board.
The rw legacy Corporate award
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Corporate Award
is bestowed upon a corporation which has made proactive steps to be an example to any companies of the salient qualities personified by Raoul Wallenberg – including the likes of community initiatives; a company foundation and/commitment to philanthropy and creating a corporate culture that extends beyond mere financial profits. This corporate award ideally should be given to a representative of the company at the highest level of leadership – i.e. – the CEO/Chairman of the Board.
The rw legacy award
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Award
is the flagship award of The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Organization bestowed upon an outstanding individual who has achieved global recognition for courage, leadership, and grit. The recipient of this award ideally should have assumed hero-like qualities, and someone is respected on a global level.
The rw legacy Leadership award
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Leadership Award
is bestowed on a future leader in his chosen discipline or field who has established a significant sphere of influence and has established him/herself as the most prominent personality in his chosen industry whose influence on his and future generations is beyond reproach.
The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Social Courage Award
is bestowed on an exceptional person who has leveraged his/her platform or profile to relay a positive message aimed at improving the perspective or quality of life of millions of people.
Want to get involved?
Contact Us:
Address: 244 West 54th Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10019